Max Bell Foundation relies on reviews of proposals from external experts. We thank them sincerely for their contributions, which are invaluable to our decision-making.
The following is an incomplete list of the generous expert reviewers who have assisted the Foundation:
- Julia Abelson Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis
- Rasika Acharya District of Maple Ridge
- Rona Achilles Independent Health Consultant
- Karen Aitken
- Nola Aitken University of Lethbridge
- Ather Akbari Saint Mary’s University
- Allan, Bentley
- Denise Amyot Colleges and Institutes Canada
- Paul Allen
- Dr. Barry Anderson The Wellness Champions
- Carol Anderson Alberta Health Services
- Dr. Terry Anderson Athabasca University
- Ryan Androsoff Institute on Governance
- Sam Andrey The Dais
- Dr. Hymie Anisman Carleton University
- Kristyn Annis Canadians for Clean Prosperity
- Laura Arrell The Arrell Family Foundation
- Gavin Arthur Heart and Stroke Foundation
- Aamna Ashraf Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto
- Dr. Peggy L. Aufricht
- Jason J. Azmier Canada West Foundation
- Chris Baber City of Vancouver
- Michael Bach Ryerson University
- Roald Bahr Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center
- Aleem Bahrwani Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
- Ken Bain Canadian Association of School System Administrators
- Jill Baker Public Policy Forum
- Noel Baldwin Council of Ministers of Education
- Frances Arnieri Ballas Alberta Learning
- Kathryn Barker FuturEd Inc.
- Bill Barrable British Columbia Transplant Society
- Dr. Peter Bartelmus Bergische Universität
- Meg Beckel Canadian Museum of Nature
- Ken Belcher University of Saskatchewan
- Karen Benzies University of Calgary
- John Beebe Samara
- Dr. Howard Bergman SOLIDAGE Research Group
- Dr. Paul Bernard Université de Montréal
- Jane Bertrand OISE, University of Toronto
- Dave Beugin Canadian Climate Institute
- Andrew Bevan Sustainable Prosperity
- Kristie Beynon Direct Farm Manitoba
- Aleem Bharwani Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
- Brian F. Bietz Bietz Resources Ltd.
- Jeff Bisanz University of Alberta
- John Biss University of Regina
- Leith Bishop The Institute for Canadian Citizenship
- Dr. Jennifer Black University of British Columbia
- John Blake Dalhousie University
- Robin Boadway Queen’s University
- Francis Boakye ActionDignity
- Dr. Michael Boda, Chief Electoral Officer, Saskatchewan and Policy Fellow, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy – University of Regina, University of Saskatchewan
- Jackie Bodker Alberta Education
- Ken Boessenkool Sidicus Consulting Ltd.
- Dr. Lyndal Bond Centre for Adolescent Health
- Alan Boniface Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden
- Tony Bonen Conference Board of Canada
- Heather Boon
- Dr. B. Lynn Bosetti University of Calgary
- Hon. Guy Boutilier Government of Alberta
- Dr. Will Boyce Queen’s University
- Marie-Ann Bowden University of Saskatchewan
- Penny Bradley
- Patricia Bradshaw St. Mary’s University
- Charles Breton IRPP
- Brenda Brindle Alberta Agricultural and Rural Development
- Susan Brooke
- Jeanne Brooks-Gunn National Center for Children and Families
- Dr. Dan Brown University of British Columbia
- Ivan Brown University of Toronto
- Ralph Brown McMaster University
- Roy I. Brown
- Dr. Gina Browne McMaster University
- Marni Brownell University of Manitoba
- Michelle Brownlee Sustainable Prosperity
- Dr. Kenneth Brummel-Smith Providence Milwaukie Hospital
- Ben Brunnen Calgary Chamber of Commerce
- Lizz Bryce, CanadaHelps
- Deb Bryant United Way of the Lower Mainland
- Dr. Leslie Buckley Toronto Western Hospital
- Cherise Burda Pembina Institute
- Dr. Eva Bures Bishop’s University
- Fred F. Burghardt Concordia University of Edmonton
- Julius Buski Canadian Teacher’s Federation
- Amy Buskirk Donner Canadian Foundation
- Mark Cabaj Here to There
- Dr. Susan Cadell University of British Columbia
- Stephanie Cairns University of Ottawa
- Kirby Calvert University of Guelph
- Dr. Carol Campbell Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
- Christina Caouette Young Diplomats of Canada
- Mel Cappe Insitute for Research on Public Policy
- Bruce Carson University of Calgary
- Paul Carson Hockey Canada
- Tom Carson Canada West Foundation
- The Honourable Sharon Carstairs
- Dr. David Cassidy Toronto Western Hospital
- Dr. Vincent Castellucci Universite de Montreal
- Michael Caulfield Washington State University
- Cynthia Chaplin CAMPUT
- Nancy Chapple Family Math Canada Foundation
- Dr. Kaireen Chaytor Dalhousie University
- Jason Chee-Aloy, Managing Director, Power Advisory
- Becky Chen University of Toronto
- Dr. Ernest Cheng Canadian Test Centre
- Cindy Chiasson Environmental Law Centre
- Paul Childs Alberta Health and Wellness
- Stewart Chisholm Evergreen
- Lyren Chiu University of British Columbia
- Laura Chow Vancouver Coastal Health
- Nicholas Christofi Napier University
- Amy Christianson
- Dr. Timothy Christie Horizon Health Network
- Tom Clark
- Mike Cleland Energy Consultant
- Gordon Cleveland University of Toronto at Scarborough
- Dr. Rodney Clifton University of Manitoba
- Dr. Jean Clinton Michael DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University
- Len Coad Canada West Foundation
- Ray Cohen Canadian Abilities Foundation
- Donald C. Cole University of Toronto
- Dr. Louis Collins Montreal Neurological Institute
- Dr. Ruth Collins-Nakai Canadian Medical Foundation
- Julia Colyar Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
- Nicole Conrad Saint Mary’s University
- Dr. John Corlett MacEwan University
- The Hon. Judge Cook-Stanhope Calgary Courts Centre
- Kathleen Cooper Canadian Environmental Law Association
- Carl Corter University of Toronto
- Dr. Dominic Covvey University of Waterloo
- Dr. John Cowell Health Quality Council of Alberta
- Tanya Craddock Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association
- Dr. Claire Crooks
- Dr. Brendan Croskery Calgary Board of Education
- Gwen Crowdis
- Brian Lee Crowley Atlantic Institute for Market Studies
- Dr. Joanne Cstete Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
- Gayle Dakof University of Miami
- Dr. Lori Daniels, Professor, Faculty of Forestry UBC
- Malkin Dare Organization for Quality Education
- Julie Darnay Hospice Palliative Care Ontario
- Dr. Brian Day Canadian Medical Association
- Maria David-Evans University of Alberta
- Paul Davidson Universities Canada
- Dr. Ann Davis Nickle Arts Museum
- Rob Davis
- Patrice deBroucker Statistics Canada
- Raisa Deber CR&J Deber Consulting
- Fiona Deller Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
- Bob Demulder Nature of Conservancy of Canada
- Mary Kate Dennis, PhD University of Manitoba
- Elizabeth Dhuey University of Toronto
- Gina Dimitropoulos University of Calgary
- Jim Dinning Government of Alberta
- Gordon Dirks Calgary Board of Education
- Brian Dijkema Cardus
- Donald Dodge Efficiency Nova Scotia
- Dr. Christopher Doig University of Calgary
- Dan Doll Hotchkiss Brain Institute
- Elizabeth Dolman Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre
- Carlene Donnelly CUPS Community Health Centre
- Chris Dornan Carleton University
- Dr. Emery Dosdall British Columbia Education
- Joseph Doucet University of Alberta
- Pegi Dover Canadian Environmental Grantmakers Network
- Soo Downe University of Central Lancashire
- Jocelyn Downie Dalhousie University
- Helen Doyan Public Health Agency of Canada
- Dr. Ronnie Drever
- Marianne Drew-Pennington BC Association of Family Resource Programs
- Don Drummond TD Bank Financial Group
- Dr. Jane Drummond University of Alberta
- Stephen Duckett University of Alberta
- Jim Dueck Alberta Education
- Dr. Wendy Duggleby University of Alberta
- Mireille Duguay Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission
- Danah Duke Miistakis Institute
- Sean Dukelow University of Calgary
- Lynne Duncan University of Alberta
- Gary Duthler Federation of Independent Schools in Canada
- Supriya Dwivedi McGill University
- Dr. Lorna Earl University of Toronto
- Stephen T. Easton Simon Fraser University
- Linda Ebruk Education Quality and Accountability Office
- Dr. Frank Echols University of British Columbia
- Paul Ekins University College London
- Mariam Elghahuagi Healthy Aging Alberta
- Stewart Elgie University of Ottawa
- Ismahane Elouafi, PhD, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- J. C. Herbert Emery University of Calgary
- Dr. Rachel Engler-Stringer University of Saskatchewan
- Brendalynn Ens CADTH
- Patricia Erb Patricia Erb and Associates
- Nadeem Esmail The Fraser Institute
- Al Etmanski Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network
- Cheryl Evans
- Barbara Fallon University of Toronto
- Dr. Nicholas Falvo
- Christopher Fenlon-MacDonald, Calgary Board of Education
- Dr. Brian Ferguson University of Guelph
- Barbara Findlay Q.C. The Law Office of Barbara Findlay Q.C.
- Donald Fisher University of British Columbia
- Dr. John FitzGibbon University of Guelph
- Dr. Tom Flanagan University of Calgary
- Candee Forest Sherwood Public School
- Dr. Pierre-Gerlier Forest Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation
- Dr. Cy Frank The University of Calgary
- Martha Friendly Childcare Research and Resource Unit
- Brian Felesky Felesky Flynn LLP
- Jenn Flynn Apple Schools
- Reuben Ford Social Research and Demonstration Corporation
- Pierre-Gerlier Forest Fondation Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation
- Claude Forget
- Glenn Fox University of Guelph
- Patrick Francis New Brunswick Aboriginal Affairs
- Dr. Thomas Emmett Francoeur McGill University
- Dr. Blye Frank University of British Columbia
- Sheryl Fricke Alberta Human Services
- Ian Froude Engineers Without Borders Canada
- Dr. Abraham Fuks McGill University
- Madeleine Gabriel Nesta
- Dr. George Gadanidis University of Western Ontario
- Dr. Michelle Gagnon Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
- Irene Gannitsos Vancouver Community Foundation
- Alan Gardner Southern Alberta Land Trust Society
- François-Pierre Gauvin McMaster Health Forum
- Claire Gascon Giard Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development
- Colleen Geake Children’s Services, Alberta
- Dan Gagnier International Institute for Sustainable Development
- Francois-Pierre Gauvin McMaster Health Forum
- Dr. Karen Gazith
- Colleen Geake Alberta Children’s Services
- Kira Gerwing
- Laura Ghali University of Calgary
- Dr. Roger Gibbins Canada West Foundation
- Gordon Gibson G.F.G. Enterprise Ltd.
- Nancy Gibson CIETcanada
- Don Giesbrecht Canadian Childcare Federation
- Mark Gifford Vancouver Foundation
- Julie Gilbert The Change Foundation
- Emma Gilchrist Desmog Canada
- Loreen Gilmour United Way of Calgary and Area
- James Glass Q.C. Duhamel Manning Feehan Warrender Glass LLP
- Victor Glickman University of British Columbia
- Anne Gloger East Scarborough Storefront / Centre for Connected Communities
- Bob Glossop Vanier Institute for the Family
- Dr. Hillel Goelman University of British Columbia
- Michael Goeres Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
- Sean Goertzen Manitoba Association of Watersheds
- Rebecca Gokiert University of Alberta
- Kindy Gosal Columbia Basin Water Trust Initiatives
- John Graham University of Calgary
- Tessa Graham British Columbia Provincial Office for the Early Years
- Gus Grant Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada & College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia
- Dr. Lee Grapentine Canada Centre for Inland Waters
- Dr. David Gratzer
- Joan Green Education Quality and Accountability Office
- Guy Greenaway Miistakis Institute
- David Greenshields BC Cancer Agency
- John Greenwood Social Research and Demonstration Corporation
- Dr. Mary Griffiths Pembina Institute
- Dr. Jeremy Grimshaw University of Ottawa
- Nick Grimshaw
- Jonathan Godin Natural Resources Canada
- Marie L. Gordon Q.C. Gordon Zwaenepoel
- Lee Gunderson University of British Columbia
- Megan Gunnar Institute of Child Development
- Dave Guyadeen University of Guelph
- Dr. Darlene Hall The Child Development Institute
- Wendy Hall University of British Columbia
- Sheila Hallett Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council
- Stephen Hansen BC School Trustees Association
- Tara Hanson Alberta Centre for Child Family and Community Research
- C. Emdad Haque University of Manitoba
- Allison Harrell UQAM
- Sheila Harrison
- Tim Hasiuk, Foothills School Division
- Rebecca Hasdell BC Centre for Disease Control
- Penny Hawe University of Calgary
- Bob Hawkesworth
- Jerry Heck Jerat Enterprises
- Thorsten Hebben Government of Alberta
- Alexya Heelis United Way Saint John
- David Helfand Quest University
- Dr. Barbara Hendrie, United Nationals Environment Programme
- Keray Henke Alberta Education
- Jodie Hierlmeier Alberta Justice
- David Hill Alberta Water Research Institute
- Karen Hill Canadian Public Health Association
- Alex Hillyard Persons with Developmental Disabilities
- Dr. David Hodgins University of Calgary
- Ellen Hodnett University of Toronto
- Guy HolburnIvey Energy Policy and Management Centre
- Jack Hole Lockerbie and Hole Inc.
- Mark Holmes Society for Quality Education
- Glenn Hope BC Council for Families
- Susan Hopkins Chief Jimmy Bruno School
- Emily Horton Provincial Officer for the Early Years, British Columbia
- Chaviva Hosek University of Toronto
- Robin Houston-Knopff Bow Valley College
- Helen Howie Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre
- Dr. Gary S Hnatko CASA Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health
- Dr. E. Anne Hughson University of Calgary
- Nedra Huffey AIDS Calgary Awareness Association
- Beth Hunter Foodbridge
- Grace Iarocci Simon Fraser University
- Marc Imus
- Peter Istvanffy Calgary Academy
- Dr. Aerin Jacob, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
- Dr. Peter Jaffe University of Western Ontario
- Dr. Trevor Jamieson University of Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital, Women’s College Hospital
- Patty Jansen University of British Columbia
- Sunil Johal Mowat Centre
- David R. Johnson Wilfrid Laurier University
- Dr. Holly Johnson University of Ottawa
- Ramona Johnston United Way of Calgary and Area
- Heidi Julien University of Alberta
- Farrah Kahn Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
- Brooke Kapeller
- Nadim Kara, Natural Resources Canada
- Dr. Paul Kariya Pacific Salmon Foundation
- Jennifer Keay Northern Gateway Public Schools
- Scott Kehler
- Dione KennedyPrevention, Early Intervention and Youth Branch Children’s Services
- Tasha Kheiriddin National Post
- Greg Kiessling Up Capital Ltd.
- Harry KitchenTrent University
- Alan King Queen’s University
- Alistair King
- Heather King Alberta Child & Family Services
- Margaret King Alberta Health
- John R. Kirby
- Dr. Sara Kirk Dalhousie University
- Brant Kirychuk, Government of Saskatchewan
- Dr. Ron KneeboneUniversity of Calgary
- Simon Knight Climate Change Central
- Karsten Koch Alberta Ministry of Education
- Dr. Dennis Kodner New York University
- Maureen Konrad
- Tamara Krawchenko University of Victoria
- Kit Krieger BC Principals’ & Vice Principals’ Association
- Kevin Kriese
- Dr. Kathleen Kufeldt University of New Brunswick
- Lynda Kuhn, Maple Leaf Foods
- Dr. Chaya Kulkarni Invest in Kids
- Anthony Kupferschmidt Langley Senior Resources
- Sharon Kuropatwa Manitoba Department of Family Services and Housing
- Stanley Kutcher Dalhousie University
- Arlene Kwasniak, University of Calgary
- Ronald Labonte University of Ottawa
- Veronica Lacey The Learning Partnership
- Lisa Lachance
- Dr. Clay Lafleur Claymar International
- Dr. Jean LaFrance University of Calgary
- Dr. Daniel W. L. Lai University of Calgary
- Janet Lane Canada West Foundation
- Miriam Lapp Elections Canada
- Jason Lau, PhD
- Dr. Mary Law McMaster University
- Bruce Lawson The Counselling Foundation of Canada
- Claude Lefrancois Environment Canada
- Florian Lemphers Yukon Territorial Government
- Oryssia Lennie
- Christopher Leo University of Winnipeg
- Elwin LeRoux Halifax Regional Centre for Education
- Alan Leschied University of Western Ontario
- Pat Letizia Alberta Ecotrust Foundation
- Benjamin Levin University of Manitoba
- Irene Lewis SAIT Polytechnic
- Steven Lewis Access Consulting Ltd.
- Steven Lewis University of Calgary
- Dr. Rick Linden University of Manitoba
- Ronald Lindstrom University of British Columbia
- Alison Loat OPTrust
- Kim Lockhart United Way of Canada
- Dr. Yiping Lou Louisiana State University
- Bruce Lourie Ivey Foundation
- Annwen Loverin Silver Harbour Centre
- Dr. Mingshan Lu University of Calgary
- Linda Lustins London Life Insurance Company
- Dr. Susan Lynch University of Alberta
- Diana MacKay The Conference Board of Canada
- Mary Pat MacKinnon Canadian Policy Research Networks
- Bruce MacLaurin University of Calgary
- Gael MacLeod Calgary City Council
- Laureen MacNeil Canadian Mental Health Association (Calgary)
- Bruce MacPherson Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board
- Chandra Madramootoo McGill University
- Arron Madsen AgCall
- Antonia Maioni McGill University
- Jason Markusoff Journalist
- Dr. Emily MarshallDalhousie University
- Lisa Maslove Canadian Policy Research Networks
- Anna Mathewson City of Port Moody
- Deb Matthews
- Karel Mayrand Fondation David Suzuki
- Don Mazankowski Gowlings
- Dr. Asit Mazumder University of Victoria
- Lindsay Mazzucco CIVIX
- Ryan McCarthy
- Velma McColl Earnscliffe Strategy Group
- Kerry McCuaig University of Toronto
- Rhonda McDougall Government of Manitoba
- Elizabeth McIsaacMaytree Foundation
- Dr. Mary McKenna University of New Brunswick
- Dr. Kenneth J. McKenzie University of Calgary
- Robert McLean Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Canadian Wildlife Service
- Anne McLellan Bennett Jones
- Dr. Tom McLellan Treatment Research Institute
- Trevor McLeod Canada West Foundation
- Robert McMurty St. Joseph’s Health Care London
- Glenda McQueen Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
- Paddy Meade Alberta Health and Wellness
- Mike Mellross, P.AG., Director of Programs, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation
- Benoît Mercille Fondation Monique-Fitz-Back
- Kristina Midbo
- Dr. Aubert Michaud Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironment
- Dr. Herman Michell First Nations University of Canada
- Dr. Judy Mill University of Alberta
- Dianna Millard, PhD Alberta Education
- Dr. Herman MichellFirst Nations University of Canada
- Dr. Byron Miller University of Calgary
- Rick Milner
- Penny Milton Canadian Education Association
- Martin Mimeault Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques
- Rick Miner Miner & Miner Management Consultants
- Jack Mintz C.D. Howe Institute
- Pat Mirenda University of British Columbia
- Dr. Natalia Mishagina Institute for Research on Public Policy
- Anne Mitchell Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy
- Courtney Mo, Momentum
- Andrea Moffat, Ivey Foundation
- Dominque Monchamp
- Penny Morelyle Alberta Health Services
- David Morhart
- Noah Morris Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- Patty Morris Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre
- Tim Morris BC Freshwater Legacy Initiative
- Dr. Gary Morrison
- Liz Mulholland Prosper Canada
- Duncan Munn C. D. Howe Institute
- Phillipe Murphy-Rheaume
- John Myroon Alberta Education
- Dr. Gary Naglie Toronto Rehabilitation Insitute
- Dr. Lynn Nagle University of Toronto
- Dr. N. K. Nagpal Ministry of Environment, BC
- Filomena Nalewajek Canuck Place Children’s Hospice
- Dr. Alison Niccols Hamilton Health Sciences
- Catherine J. Nicol Alberta Education
- Andy Nikiforuk ARDN Consulting
- Dr. Georg Northoff The Royal
- Dr. Brian Noonan University of Saskatchewan
- Sam Novey
- The Honourable Kelvin Ogilvie Senate of Canada
- Jeremy O’Krafka Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers
- Beatrice Olivastri Friends of the Earth Canada
- John O’Meara Lakehead University
- Liz O’Neill Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Ikem Opara Rideau Hall Foundation
- Marla Orenstein, Canada West Foundation
- Bethany Osborne Sheridan College
- Dr. Joy D. Osofsky Louisiana State University
- Dr. Robert J. D. Page University of Calgary
- Kevin Page The Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy
- Andrew Pape-Salmon Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance
- Jerry Paquette University of Western Ontario
- The Hon. Percy Paris Nova Scotia Department of Economic and Rural Development
- Monique Passelac-Ross Canadian Institute of Resources Law
- Monica Patten Community Foundations of Canada/Fondations communitaires du Canada
- Dimitri Pavlounis CIVIX
- Dr. Abigail Payne McMaster University
- Dr. Janet Peace Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
- Julie Peacock
- Marni Pearce Alberta Education
- Kate Pedlow
- Lisa Pedrini Vancouver School District
- Richard Penn, PowerWrangler
- Keren Perla Energy Futures Lab
- Cindy Perry Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services
- Dr. Raymond Perry University of Manitoba
- Anthony Pesklevits
- Dr. Barbara Pesut UBC
- Ray Peters Queen’s University
- Nancy Petersen Edmonton Public School Board
- Wanda Brascoupe Peters The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
- Dr. Linda Phillips University of Alberta
- Dr. Will Pickett Queen’s University
- Ken Pike New Brunswick Association for Community Living
- Alice Pitt York University
- Monica Pohlman Monica K Pohlmann & Associates
- Dr. Marc N. Potenza Yale University
- Dave Poulton University of Alberta
- Greg Pratt Barons-Eureka-Warner Family and Community Support Services
- Jason Price Government of Alberta
- Cheryl Prokopanko Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
- Kathleen Provost Autism Society Canada
- Dr. Marsha Kline Pruett Smith College
- Cathy Pryce Alberta Health Services
- Ray Racette Canadian College of Health Leaders
- Dr. Chris Ragan McGill University
- Dr. Kim D. Raine, University of Alberta
- Simona Ramkisson, Wikimedia Foundation
- Cynthia Ramsay Jewish Western Bulletin
- Dr. Tom Rathwell Dalhousie University
- Marlo Raynolds BluEarth Renewables Inc.
- Jeff Reading Climate Change Central, Alberta
- Andrea Reimer Tawaw Strategies
- Laurie Rektor Voluntary Sector Forum
- Brendan Reimer Assiniboine Credit Union
- Kimm Renaud Calgary Board of Education
- Steven Renzetti Brock University
- Nancy Reynolds Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research
- John Richards Simon Fraser University
- W. Craig Riddell University of British Columbia
- Shivani Rikhy Alberta Children’s Hospital
- Robert Roach Canada West Foundation
- Richard Robarts Environment Canada
- Paul Rochon
- Kari Roberts Canada West Foundation
- Barry Robinson Ecojustice
- Dr. Jennifer RobsonCarleton University
- Vince Rodgers Alberta Education
- Paulette Rodziewicz Alberta Ministry of Human Services
- Gayla Rogers University of Calgary
- Dr. W. Todd Rogers University of Alberta
- Nancy Rondeaux Nova Scotia Department of Energy
- Dr. John Rook National Council of Welfare
- Dr. Noralou Roos University of Manitoba
- Denise Rose Foothills School Division 38
- David G. Ross SAIT
- Diane Roussin The Winnipeg Boldness Project
- Mary Rowe Canadian Urban Institute
- Dr. Bernard Roy Laval University
- Dimple Roy
- Ali Salam National
- Stephen Samis, Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement
- Amy Sample Ward, NTEN
- Michele Samuel Alberta Education
- Ron Saunders Canadian Policy Research Networks
- Robert Savage York University
- Hans Schreier University of British Columbia
- Joanne Schroder University of British Columbia
- Ben Scott Omidyar Network
- Katreena Scott University of Toronto
- Seher Shafiq Mozilla Foundation
- Dr. Andrew Sharpe Centre for the Study of Living Standards
- Stuart Shanker York University
- Charleen Shaw Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters
- Diane Shearer Family Justice Services
- Dr. Nicole Sherren Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
- Dr. Alan Shiell University of Calgary
- Dr. Hans Schuetze University of British Columbia
- Robert Shepherd, Professor School of Public Policy & Administration, Carleton University
- Greg Shyba Alberta Ingenuity Center for Water Research
- Linda Siegel University of British Columbia
- Dr. Duncan Sinclair Queen’s University
- Mikal Skuterud University of Waterloo
- Dr. Christopher Smith Muttart Foundation
- Donna Smith Learner Assessment
- Dr. Eldon Smith University of Calgary
- Michael Smith Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada
- Monique Gray Smith Little Drum Consulting
- Dr. William Smith McGill University
- Dr. Tracy Solomon The Hospital for Sick Children
- Tim Sopuck Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation
- Leah Soroka Health Canada
- Laura Spicer Indian Affairs and Northern Development
- John Sproule Institute of Health Economics
- Mark Stabile University of Toronto
- Tara Stang Muttart Foundation
- John Stapleton
- Elizabeth Starr University of Windsor
- James Stauch Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation
- Raymond Stemp
- Valerie Sterling The Learning Partnership
- Dr. Donna Stewart Toronto General Hospital Research Institute
- Deborah Stienstra University of Manitoba
- Dr. Janet Storch University of Victoria
- Dennis L. Stuebing, Ph.D Wisdom2Action
- Marilyn Struthers, Ryerson University
- Katie Sullivan International Emissions Trading Association
- Jack Styan Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network
- Bill Sutherland Strathcona County
- Les Swain
- Robert Sweet Lakehead University
- Guy Swinnerton University of Alberta
- Shauna Sylvester Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society
- Dr. Moshe Syzf McGill University
- Dr. Valerie Tarasuk, University of Toronto
- Dr. Alan Taylor Raven Research Associates
- Cathy Taylor Ontario Nonprofit Network
- Kali Taylor Student Energy
- Dr. Jean Teitelbaum Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
- John TeLinde City of Calgary
- Heather Ternoway Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- Nick Thain Alberta Health Services
- Denis Thérien McGill University
- Dr. Genevieve Thompson Manitoba Palliative Care Research Unit
- Scott Thorsteinson, MSW, RSW
- Debra Tomlinson Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services
- Dr. Heidi Tworek University of British Columbia
- Sherri Torjman Caledon Institute of Social Policy
- Heather Tremain reSource Rethinking Building
- Mark Tremblay Statistics Canada
- David Trick David Trick and Associates Ltd.
- David Tunney Children’s Services
- Lori Turnbull Dalhousie University
- Louise Turner Premier’s Technology Council
- Dr. David Ungar Dalhousie University
- Jason Unger Environmental Law Centre
- Charles Ungerleider Canadian Council on Learning
- Christopher Usih Calgary Board of Education
- Dr. Franco J. Vaccarino University of Toronto
- Ruta Valaitis McMaster University
- Mélanie Valcin, Frontier College
- Dr. Ryan Van Lieshout McMaster University, St. Joseph’s Hospital
- Debbie Vance Alberta Education
- Dr. Sue Vandeveld-Coke Sunnybrook & Women’s College Health Sciences Centre
- Petr Varmuza City of Toronto
- George Vegh Affiliation of Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
- Zain Velji Hill+Knowlton Strategies
- Dr. Peter A. Victor, York University
- Angele Vickers Government of Alberta
- Anne Wade Concordia University
- Dr. Adrian Wagg
- Katherine Wagner
- Leann WagnerChildren’s Services
- LaurenWalkerApple Schools
- Sarah Walker Hospice Calgary
- Adrian Walraven Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
- Mark Warren UBC
- C. Peter Watson Alberta Environment
- Dr. Denise Watt Calgary Health Region
- Liz Weaver Tamarack Institute
- Marian Weber Alberta Research Council
- Chris Wedeles
- Michael Wernick Privy Council Office
- Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux Lakehead University
- Drew Westwater Elections Alberta
- Mary E. Wiktorowicz York University
- Angela Wilde Lethbridge School District No. 51
- Karen Wilkie Canada West Foundation
- Cathy Wilkinson Canadian Boreal Initiative
- Dr. John Willinsky University of British Columbia
- Elinor Wilson Canadian Public Health Agency
- Sonja Winkelmann Canadian Home Builders Association
- Dr. David Wolfe Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Richard G. Wolfe University of Toronto
- Lisa WolffUnicef Canada
- Dr. Carol A. Wong University of Western Ontario
- Mike Wong World Commission on Protected Areas
- Alexander Wood Sustainable Prosperity
- Dr. Roberta Woodgate University of Manitoba
- Dr. Stephen Woodley, World Commission on Protected Areas
- Frances Woolley Carleton University
- Bob Wyatt Muttart Foundation
- Jill Wyatt United Way of Calgary and Area
- Mike Yakemchuk Myalta Ventures Ltd
- J. Andrew Yang, Bullfrog Power
- Carol Yaworski Learning Disabilities of Ontario
- Lisa Young University of Calgary
- Greg Zaric University of Western Ontario
- Dr. Jennifer Zelmer Azimuth Health Group
- Dr. Todd Zimmerling Alberta Conservation Association
- Dr. David Zitner Dalhousie University
- Noah Zon, Springboard Policy
- Dr. Dan Zuege Calgary Health Region
- Dr. David Zussman University of Ottaw