BC Early Childhood Development Evaluation Project: Phase II

Improving evaluation of early childhood development programs improves outcomes


This project built on an earlier United Way project to evaluate early childhood development (ECD) projects in British Columbia. The purpose of the project is to create integrated evaluation and reporting systems for programs supporting early childhood development that will have the capability to demonstrate province-wide and regional outcomes, reduce the reporting burden on ECD programs, and provide opportunities for program and policy improvements. The project developed, deployed, and supported a web-based evaluation system based on the already developed evaluation frameworks.

Grant Outputs

Success by 6 – Evaluation Tools and Reports – http://www.successby6bc.ca/early-childhood-development

The Success By 6 program has developed a variety of reporting tools in order to unify early childhood development reporting across BC communities. They assess things like children’s vulnerability or “readiness” for learning, and measure outcomes like parent’s empowerment to nurture their children and communities’ support for parents and children. The information gathered in the ongoing reporting has already started affecting policies across BC: locally, regionally and provincially. Outcomes are meant to promote ongoing quality improvement and best practices for early childhood programming.

Grant Details

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