Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education

An open access website featuring innovative K-12 education models from around the world gives parents and administrators information about the availability of different types of schools in their local jurisdictions


The purpose of this project was to broadly share innovation in school models by creating a website that provides information about innovative and successful K-12 school models from Canada and the rest of the world. Evidence suggests that with more information, parents would be effective advocates for the creation of new types of schools in Canada. The Fraser Institute’s center for Entrepreneurship and Education empowers parents, teachers, administrators and school boards with information about the strengths and weaknesses of various school models, and provides a platform to link stakeholders who are interested in bringing alternative education models to their communities.

Grant Outputs

School Chain Showcase – Improving Education through Choice – http://www.schoolchains.org/en/school

The School Chain Showcase is a place where potential school operators, investors, government officials and parents interested in greater school choice in their community can connect with innovative school chains from around the world.

Grant Details

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