The Conference Board of Canada created the Centre for Skills and Post-Secondary Education (SPSE) to increase Canada’s capacity to produce and maintain a skilled and knowledgeable workforce. This project is designed to respond to two major challenges faced by Canada: our national performance on a range of competitiveness and productivity indicators is slipping; and our education systems are not responsive enough to national workforce needs. Max Bell Foundation funding will support research on the current state of skills post-secondary education in Canada and similar countries, and research on issues related to the development of a national strategy. Foundation funding will also support meetings and events for the communication of research findings.
Grant Outputs
The Economic Impact of Post-Secondary Education in Canada –
This report quantifies the impact of post-secondary education in three areas: direct and indirect spending, human capital, and intellectual property. These conclusions are designed to help policy makers maximize the contribution of Canada’s post-secondary institutions to Canada’s economy and society.
Policies, Laws, and Regulations: Governing Post-Secondary Education and Skills in Canada –
This report explores the policies, laws and regulations (PLRs) that affect, define, and govern Canada’s skills and post-secondary educational systems and guide their operations. Using an aspirational approach, this report envisions an optimal PLR system (or set of systems) for post-secondary education and the core characteristics of that system. The report also identifies areas for action for improving PLRs to support skills and post-secondary system objectives and address current and emerging challenges.
Skills—Where Are We Today? The State of Skills and PSE in Canada –
This study provides a systems perspective on the state of skills and higher education in Canada and identifies areas where the sector could improve in producing highly skilled graduates. It examines the state of universities, colleges and polytechnics, apprenticeships and skilled trades, and adult learning and education programs.
Grant Details
- Amount: $75,000
- Type: Project Grant
- Total Budget: $5,000,000
- Period: Jun 2014 to Mar 2015
Conference Board of Canada -
- Project Leader: Diana MacKay
- Keywords: Post-Secondary , Research Initiative