The purpose of this project was to conduct preliminary research into the outcomes following the first transitional year of School Planning Council (SPC) implementation in British Columba. SPCs were designed as advisory bodies that included three parents, one teacher, and one principal, (one student was added following 2003) whose purpose was to develop, monitor and review school plans for student achievement in consultation with the academic community. The 2002-03 school year was a transitional period in which schools and districts developed the policies and processes that would contribute to the successful operation of SPCs. This survey sought to illustrate the early work of SPCs and to identify processes, goals, perceived needs, challenges and successes following the first year of SPC operations. This baseline research was used to help refine survey questions and techniques in subsequent years.
Grant Outputs
A First Look at School Planning Councils in British Columbia –
This report summarizes the findings from a survey of School Planning Councils in British Columbia after the transitional 2002-2003 academic year. 71% of survey respondents were satisfied with the formation and operation of their councils after the first year. The preparation and submission of School Plans was an area of immense satisfaction. Some barriers to success include lack of resources, conflict with principals about decision making, and lack of council member commitment. Most respondents agreed that training was a priority need, and that more provincial guidance about the role of SPCs would be beneficial. The report concludes with a series of recommendations for policy makers about the future of SPCs in the province, including the need to expand SPC communication networks between districts, further development of the SPC regulatory policy at a provincial level, increased training for SPC members, and systematized data collection so that the outcomes of SPC work could be gauged in the future.
Grant Details
- Amount: $32,000
- Type: Internship
- Total Budget: $32,000
- Period: Oct 2002 to Sep 2024
- Recipient:
- Project Leader: Helen Raham
- Keywords: Parental Involvement , Planning , Student Achievement