We seek to support projects that have a high likelihood of informing public policy and/or practice. To help ensure that happens, we look for alignment between government priorities and our own program priorities. Every three years we conduct an environmental scan that includes consulting with a range senior public servants and other public policy experts. The results of the scan help us understand what policy issues are central to agendas at all levels of government in Canada. Our current program priorities are listed below:
Environment Program
(1) Development and implementation of strategies that assist communities in adapting to the effects of climate change.
(2) Development and implementation of strategies that assist in the transition to a low carbon economy.
(3) Development and implementation of strategies for resolving conflicts between ecological integrity and growth and development of the economy.
Health and Wellness Program
(1) Development and implementation of strategies to promote good mental health among children and youth.
(2) Development and implementation of strategies to improve “value for money” in health care, especially those related to:
- assessing and spreading innovations in health care delivery, and
- mobilizing knowledge.
(3) Development and implementation of strategies to encourage wellness and reduce illness among Canadians whose health is at risk due to:
- age-related factors, and
- social determinants of health.
Of particular interest are initiatives that focus on the most vulnerable populations.
Education Program
(1) Development and implementation of strategies to prepare learners for digital citizenship and an evolving knowledge economy.
(2) Development and implementation of strategies and programs in K-12 schools that will contribute to improving the mental and physical health and wellness of learners.
(3) Development and implementation of strategies and programs that ensure school success among sub-populations where low levels of success persist.
Global Thematic Lenses
In addition to the above, two global thematic lenses apply to all our program priorities:
- Improving the well-being of Indigenous individuals and communities; and
- Addressing the impacts of new technologies on the structure and function of society and the economy, and in particular on public policy decision making.
If you are interested in applying for a grant from Max Bell Foundation, please visit our Types and Programs page or Apply for Support page for more information.