The internship produced research and insight designed to answer two questions: 1) What are the labour force outcomes for Aboriginal peoples with a certain highest level of education? and 2) When do Aboriginal students withdraw from education?
Grant Outputs
Working Towards Parity: Recommendations of the Aboriginal Human Capital Strategies Initiative –
Aboriginal Canadians constitute an ever-increasing proportion of the Canadian labour force. Given that Canada is going to experience a labour market shortage in western Canada over coming years, it is in our best interests to ensure that Aboriginal Canadians possess the educational training and skills necessary to compete successfully in the job market. Incorporating Aboriginal Canadians within the labour market is one of western Canada’s most important challenges.
Grant Details
- Amount: $17,600
- Type: Internship
- Total Budget: $17,600
- Period: May 2003 to Sep 2003
Canada West Foundation -
- Project Leader: Loleen Berdahl
- Keywords: Indigenous Education , Labour Market