The purpose of this project is to raise the level of public discourse about the unsustainability of the Canadian medical care system. Major reforms are seen as necessary, but politically difficult to enact due to an under-informed and polarizing public debate. C.D. Howe Institute is producing a series of well-researched, non-partisan E-Briefs in order to drive the public discourse towards a more productive discussion of solutions for the future.
Grant Outputs
- This series presents an assessment of regional health spending and the projected fiscal burden of each province that will be caused by the demographic squeeze of an aging population. -Each report recommends early planning for future health financing that would see a transition from pay-as-you-go financing for selected programs to a prefunding system. If enacted, this intervention would shift payment for services on to those who are most likely to use health services earlier on while they are still engaged in the workforce.
Managing the cost of healthcare for an aging population: Alberta –
Managing the cost of healthcare for an aging population: British Columbia –
Managing the cost of healthcare for an aging population: Manitoba –
Managing healthcare for an aging population: New Brunswick’s $78 billion question –
Managing healthcare for an aging population: Will demographics push Newfoundland and Labrador into a fiscal deep freeze? –
Managing the cost of healthcare for an aging population: Nova Scotia’s healthcare glacier – –
Managing healthcare for an aging population: Prince Edward Island’s $14 billion healthcare glacier –
Managing healthcare for an aging population: The fiscal challenge Quebec has yet to face –
La gestion des coûts des soins de santé pour une population vieillissante : le défi fiscal que le québec n’a pas encore relevé –
Managing the cost of healthcare for an aging population: Saskatchewan –
Grant Details
- Amount: $53,000
- Type: Project Grant
- Total Budget: $115,520
- Period: Aug 2011 to Dec 2015
C.D. Howe Institute -
- Project Leader: Jessica Millar
- Keywords: Health Care , Reform