Taking Stock: Improving ENGO Participation in Alberta’s Environmental Policy Development

Understanding how Environmental Policy is Made is Critical Step in Making Change


This 18-month project will bring together 30 leaders and senior managers from environmental nonprofit organizations, industry, government and other sectors to use an innovative combination of systems mapping and scenario building to: examine how environmental policy decisions are made in the Alberta government; identify the challenges facing that system today and the challenges it will face in the future; describe a new or significantly modified system capable of meeting those challenges; and identify changes that could transform the current system into one that will work successfully in the coming decades.

Grant Outputs

Taking Stock: a Scenarios and Systems Approach to Understandin Alberta’s Policy Development and Decision Making – http://albertaecotrust.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Taking-Stock-ONLINE.pdf

This project report outlines the outcomes of the project.

Grant Details

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